Huber Technology UK Regional Service Depots

Field Operations Manager Kieran Hagan
Unit 60 CIDO Business Complex
Carn Drive
Co Armagh BT63 5WH
07824 646859 Kieran.Haganhuber.couk
Regional Field Manager South of England & Wales Andy Cooper
Units C&D Brunel Park
Bumpers Farm Industrial Estate
Wiltshire SN14 6NQ
07980 316064 Andrew.Cooperhuber.couk
Regional Field Manager Ireland & N Ireland Steven McCusker
Unit 60 CIDO Business Complex
Carn Drive
Co Armagh BT63 5WH
07713 386383 Steven.McCuskerhuber.couk
Regional Field Manager Scotland & Northumbria Hugh McColl
Block 7B, Unit 7
Nobel Road
Wester Gourdie Industrial Estate
Dundee, Scotland DD2 4UH
07825 808552 Hugh.McCollhuber.couk
Customer Service Engineer South of England Lee Smart
Units C&D Brunel Park
Bumpers Farm Industrial Estate
Wiltshire SN14 6NQ
07718 565899 Lee.Smarthuber.couk
Spares & After Sales Coordinator (National) Jayne Gordon
01249 765021 spareshuber.couk
Sales & After Sales Coordinator (National) Helen Brooks
01249 765013 spareshuber.couk
Sales & After Sales Coordinator (National) Sarah McLaughlin
01249 765054 spareshuber.couk