Directions to Huber Technology UK

map to Huber Technology UK

>> external map

(1a) From junction 17 exit on M4, follow the A350 towards Chippenham. Turn right at the first roundabout and follow the A350 over the next two roundabouts.
(2a) Go straight ahead at the next roundabout, where the A350 meets the A420, into Bumpers Farm Industrial Estate.


(1b) From A350 (South), follow the A350 until it meets the A420 at the second roundabout after meeting with the A4.
(2b) Turn right at the roundabout into Bumpers Farm Industrial Estate.
(3) Follow Bumpers Way until the first road junction to the right.
(4) Turn right, into a continuation of Bumpers Way, and proceed to the roundabout at the end of the road.
(5a) Turn left into Vincients Road and immediately left again into the Huber Technology staff and visitors car park.


(5b) Turn left into Vincients Road and then second left into the Huber Technology goods inwards area.


Huber Technology UK headquarters

Huber Technolgy UK
Units C&D
Brunel Park
Bumpers Farm Industrial Estate
Wilsthire SN14 6NQ

Phone: +44 1249 765000
Fax: +44 1249 449076
eMail: rotamathuber.couk

Huber Technolgy UK is a member of the HUBER group.